Inman Connect
This month, we’ll talk to mortgage leaders about where the market is headed and how products are evolving digitally to suit buyers’ needs now. We’ll also explore emerging alternative financing options that are changing the game for buyers and sellers. Join us for Mortgage and Alternative Financing Month.
Not everyone needs a house. At least right now.
Safe, secure shelter, yes. A mortgage? No.
And nothing drove that point home like the tragic, life-altering pandemic that’s blanketed the world for the last year. The search for a new way to live drove people from packed urban dwellings to open space and lifestyle-centered communities.
Where Housing Prices Climbed Most During the Pandemic
Homes in suburban and even rural locations were hot commodities on the pandemic real estate market, according to an industry report. December 21, 2020, 5am PST | James Brasuell |
Marian McPherson shares news of a new report by that quantifies the tumultuous year on the real estate market, focusing especially on the locations where prices spiked the most during the pandemic. According to’s latest market analysis released on Tuesday, the explosion in price growth is happening in suburbs across the country, including little-known metros such as Wayzata, Minnesota, and Brandon, Mississippi, writes McPherson to summarize the report s finding.