April 22, 2021 11:55 am
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Fun fact: there was an 363% increase in people searching for the morning after pill last week after lockdown restrictions easing
It looks like you’ve all been having fun, now lockdown is easing. There was an 363% increase in people searching for the morning after pill last Tuesday morning after pubs, gyms, restaurants and rooftop bars opened on Monday. So what are the morning after pill side effects, if you do need to take emergency contraception, and what does it
Kim Rutherford, a qualified psychotherapist, told Express.co.uk she believes the route of the problem could lie with older generations.
She said: It s arguable, that it s some of the older generation of the Royal Family that don t necessarily feel comfortable sharing, but that also coincides with traditional belief systems of older generations across the board. So should the Royal Family be doing more to promote mental health awareness, yes.. and they’ve just been given an opportunity to go really big with it.
Ms Rutherford isn t the only one to call on the Royal Family to do more for mental health awareness.