The Government Institution Pension Fund (GIPF) board of trustees this week maintained that the appointment of Martin Inkumbi as the fund’s CEO towards the end of last year was.
Roads Contractor Company (RCC) acting CEO Maria Nakale has appealed for peace amid a recent demonstration into the affairs of the company from employees during a wage negotiation.
Employees of the embattled Roads Contractor Company (RCC) picketed in front of its head office last week, demanding the removal of its interim CEO, Maria Nakale, whom they accuse.
Roads Contractor Company (RCC) acting CEO Maria Nakale says the company is on track to recovery, and should see operations normalise in the future.She made the comments during a.
The Roads Contractor Company (RCC) has lost over N$3 million worth of equipment – from 2019 to date - due to theft on its campsites.This was revealed by acting CEO Maria Nakale,.