help sell the plan to small business. after his speech he sat down with the foreign exclusive interview. the vice president said the measure is a great starting point but they are going to be some changes before it gets to the president s desk for signage signage. vice president thank you for sitting down with me. you bet maria. maria mankiw released a plan in you been meeting with the senate regularly. are you expecting the senate plan to be much different from what the house presented as far as tax reform? from early this year we been in continuous discussions with leaders in the house and the senate to develop a framework for president trump s plan for tax cuts and tax reform and we fully anticipate that when the senate bill comes forward it will reflect on the president s framework and there will be changes between the two and changes in the course of the legislative process but we think the house bill is a great start. we look forward to the senate bringing forward its tax cut
taxes and i came to the only conclusion i think anyone who who really looks at it can come too to and that is that we just got a huge win for middle-class taxpayers even in high tax states like mine. a 10,000-dollar property tax cap covers the vast majority of people in my stayed in my congressional district. maria: you know i wonder if this tax plan by eliminating that state and local deduction in keeping a little of the positive for taxpayers on the property tax and the dollars you were talking about i wonder overtime is that dictates the behavior of governors. at some point if people feel like they lose the deduction and they are paying more in taxes in new york and new jersey because they lost that state and local tax deduction they are going to blame the governor. they are going to move out of that state and blame the governor of that state for higher taxes.
jobs and talking about not just free trade but fair trade and better deals that will be a better deal for the american worker. maria: i know when he came back from middle east he said he did for an million dollars in deals. you expect him to do that kind of volume of deals? well stay tuned. we have been doing work in anticipation of this and the president as you know has developed a strong relationship with president abe and president xi and president moon of south korea. while he s focused on strategic issues in security issues anybody who knows president trump knows he will be focused on jobs and he will be focused on trade and in making sure these important relationships that we have also are winning trade relations. think about that 70 billion-dollar deficit with a 30 billion-dollar deficit was south korea following the
to make sure as he says this is the middle-class miracle. the majority of the tax relief benefits working families and working americans and creating businesses that can create jobs for working americans. the details will be worked out is this legislation goes forward and i know there has been an attempt to address those issues already in the house of unveiled legislation but the driving principle here will be while upper income americans probably stay where they are at at the end of the day we want to see middle-class americans benefit and we want to see businesses and job creators like those we heard in pennsylvania be able to benefit and create jobs and make the investments that will grow our economy. maria: in a moment more of my exclusive interview with vice president mike pence. i asked him if he personally agrees with a higher rate for the top earners and they got to check out air force two with the
are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don t start humira if you have an infection. want more proof? ask your rheumatologist about humira. what s your body of proof? maria: welcome back. we just heard from vice president mike pence and an exclusive interview telling me he s optimistic the tax reform bill will pass and become law. not all republicans are on the same page particular goes from high tax states like new york. they are saying eliminating some of the deductions will hurt their constituents. joining me right now new jersey congressman tom macarthur. congressman good to see you. thanks for joining us. my pleasure maria. maria: will you vote yes on this bill? yes. you will be surprised because i heard the introduction but the reality is i spent the last three days actually looking at this 10,000-dollar on property