Science|Business plans to roll out a newsletter tailored for research and innovation professionals. This article provides a sneak peek into the kind of information you may expect in the coming weeks, ahead of a full launch this spring. The European Research Council (ERC) introduced a more inclusive application form for applicants this year to give researchers on all career pathways a fair chance to demonstrate their excellence.
Maria Leptin, president of the European Research Council (ERC), has called on ERC grant holders to lobby politicians to double the research budget in the next Framework programme, FP10.
Horizon 2020 would have needed an additional €159 billion to fund all high quality proposals, the European Commissioner for research and innovation, Iliana Ivanova, told the European Parliament on Tuesday.
The European Commission is proposing to allow technologies with both civil and defence applications to be funded in Framework Programme 10 (FP10), in order to boost the EU’s strategic autonomy. This is one of three possibilities for boosting dual-use research featured in a white paper published this morning, which the Commission is putting to a public consultation until 30 April.