In one week, Fredericton woman collects nearly 600 masks littering city
Sue Fisher is on a mission. Just over a week ago, the Fredericton woman started picking up disposable face masks dropped on the ground.
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Sue Fisher is calling on residents to think about how the masks they toss away might affect the environment
Posted: Apr 10, 2021 7:00 AM AT | Last Updated: April 10
Sue Fisher of Fredericton has collected nearly 600 disposable masks across the city this past week.(Maria Jose Burgos/CBC)
Home for adults with mental illness running at full capacity since opening
A housing unit for adults with mental illness has been operating at full capacity since it opened in Fredericton last year, despite the COVID-19 pandemic.
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We were here: We Were Here is a play by Clyde A. Wray that brings Black leaders in equality from Saint John back to life. The purpose of the play, which is made up of 10 vignettes delivered by 10 Saint John Black actors, highlights the accomplishments of these New Brunswickers.
We were here
Throughout the history of Saint John, N.B., there were Black residents who defied racist stereotypes and became leaders in the community. But history buried them, and New Brunswick forgot their achievements. Playwright Clyde Wray has brought some of them back to life on stage.
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Leaving Doone: Crime and street fights were common on Doone Street from the start. But 20 years ago, tenants had government help. Now, many tenants are immigrants with nowhere to turn as they struggle with an additional problem: racism.
Leaving Doone
Crime and street fights were common from the start in the Doone Street neighbourhood of Fredericton. But 20 years ago, tenants had government help. Now, many tenants are immigrants with nowhere to turn as they struggle with an additional problem: racism.
María José Burgos
Two days are especially vivid in Felix Ndayitwayeko s memories of Fredericton.