Noel, a Cuban engineer who had to emigrate to the faraway island of Saint Lucia, tells about the Cuban government's systematic intimidation techniques and coercion of its professionals abroad. He now knows he can never go back to his native island lest he should never be allowed to leave Cuba again. the facts about human trafficking: how it is caused, where it happens, and how you can help stop human trafficking by supporting CRS.
Again, European MEPs try to advocate for a Nordic prostitution model in all EU countries that would criminalise buyers of sexual services. For this purpose, members of the European parliament have been working on a new prostitution report, which includes a motion for a resolution on the regulation of prostitution in the EU: its cross-border implications and impact on gender equality and women’s rights. The draft report written by German MEP Maria Noichl regrettably includes several non-evidence based false claims about human trafficking and prostitution, while also conflating both issue frequently.
The appalling history and status quo of forced labor in the United States is so serious and long-standing that its spillover effect has impacted other countries, said a report released on Tuesday entitled "The United States Practise of Forced Labor at Home and Abroad: Truth and Facts."
Over the years, the United States has concocted the biggest lies of the century such as the so-called "genocide" and "forced labor" in Xinjiang, in an attempt to smear and contain China.