One of Schuylkill County’s oldest historical markers has been rededicated by members of the organization that conceived it more than 100 years ago. The Fort Lebanon marker installed in 1913 by the Mahantongo Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution commemorates the fort that was built along the site in 1755 to […]
AUBURN — One of Schuylkill County’s oldest historical markers was rededicated Sunday by members of the organization that had conceived it more than 100 years ago.
Regent Teri Fischer, Second Vice Regent Karen Franks, Treasurer Heather Condello, and Corresponding Secretary Michelle Bradley of the Jeptha Abbott DAR chapter attended the Pennsylvania State Society Daughters of the American Revolution (PSSDAR) annual Fall Meeting this weekend at the Sheraton Hershey Hotel in Harrisburg. The conference was attended by 280 Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) […]