Rectory Road - Tabernacle Road - Windmill Road - A48 Tabernacle Road - A48 - Windmill Road Millbrook Lane - Grey Hill Road - Trostry Lane. Pedestrian access will be available. The affected roads will not be re-opened each evening following the hours of day time working. Emergency vehicle access will be not be available and the alternative routes should be followed. GD Environmental Services Limited, of Nash Road, Newport, has applied to change an existing goods vehicles operators license to keep an extra 14 goods vehicles and six trailers at the operating centre at Nash Road, Newport. Rubin Lewis O Brien, of Cwmbran, is looking for people who may have a claim against or an interest in the estate of Terence Charles Murphy (deceased), formerly of 10 The Coppins, Malpas, Newport, who died on September 3, 2020.