ABC President Speaks to View Hosts About Constant Personal Attacks TMZ (@TMZ) May 26, 2021 ▪️ Entitled brat with dumb hair Me-again McCain had another dust up on air Monday, during the opening segment topic of Margarine Traitor Greene comparing House rules…
The View: Dr Gupta, Joe Lieberman, Rep Adam Kinzinger, Gov Asa Hutchinson, Michael Che, Hot Topics
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Hot Topic Tuesday Tick Tock Matt Gaetz
Joel Greenberg, wingman for Matt Gaetz, reached a plea deal and is going to throw Matt Gaetz under the high school bus. 33 federal charges reduced to 6 charges. Joy and Me-again have a fight ~ 6:25mm mark. Good lord she is soooo insufferable and will not address the obvious
Hot Topic Tuesday Not Now UFOs Not Now
Aliens are out there but earth is so fubar-ed that they’re not going to mess with us /waits for the machines to rise out of the earth/. Marco Rubio couldn’t find a Bible quote to say something without saying anything. Sunny is a believer. Sara is amused by Sunny being a believer but doesn’t want ding dongs to freak out even more. Joy says the closest planet is 4.2M light years from the earth, so it’s unlikely they’d travel that far to visit Idaho. They might could get here, but why would they?! Whoopi th