Studying nonlinear interfacial waves, developing solutions for clean propulsion, and analyzing the development of heritage languages in the classroom environment are some of the research projects representing five Purdue University faculty who have been named U.S. Fulbright Scholars. These faculty members will complete their research in educational institutes and research facilities around the world.
Purdue University has welcomed race fans home again for the Indianapolis 500 each year for more than a century. Over the years, Purdue alumni and students have represented the university at the race in many ways. Purdue’s involvement began in 1919, when the Purdue “All American” Marching Band became the first band to perform as part of the day’s ceremonies. Over time, Boilermakers’ enthusiasm and involvement in the sport has only grown from the pre-race parade to the pits.
The small steps they’ve taken over the past few years will soon culminate for many Purdue University students. They will graduate into the next phases of their lives.