When “The Sound of Music” closed on March 1, 2020, Pendleton’s College Community Theater expected to open its next production in six weeks. Instead, rehearsals at the Bob Clapp Theatre
ECHO — Getting ready for Oktoberfest, a pair of local musicians dressed in lederhosen and tuned their instruments. By start time, they were ready to perform.
Health by Chris Calcino
Premium Content  A BRAVE Cairns mum whose story of survival inspired thousands of people has died after succumbing to one cruel final battle. Carol Mayer was never expected to wake up after receiving terrible burns to 85 per cent of her body in a house fire in 2000. Her toddler son, Zach, was pulled unscathed to safety by a neighbour while his mother spent eight weeks in a coma at the Royal Brisbane Hospital burns unit. Carol Mayer survived a horrific house fire that left her with severe burns to 85 per cent of her body.
MORE NEWS Today would have been her 54th birthday.
Health by Chris Calcino
Premium Content  A BRAVE Cairns mum whose story of survival inspired thousands of people has died after succumbing to one cruel final battle. Carol Mayer was never expected to wake up after receiving terrible burns to 85 per cent of her body in a house fire in 2000. Her toddler son, Zach, was pulled unscathed to safety by a neighbour while his mother spent eight weeks in a coma at the Royal Brisbane Hospital burns unit. Carol Mayer survived a horrific house fire that left her with severe burns to 85 per cent of her body.
MORE NEWS Today would have been her 54th birthday.