Hyderabad: A team of Andhra Pradesh Crime Investigation Department (CID) has been questioning Margadarsi Chit Fund Private Limited (MCFPL) Managing Director Cherukuri Sailaja for over 7 hours in the Margadarsi Chit Fund case on Tuesday. The CID has named company’s chairman Cherukuri Ramoji Rao as accused number 1 (A1) and Cherukuri Sailaja as accused number 2 (A2) while the
The Andhra Pradesh CID on Monday attached properties worth Rs 793 crore in the Margadarsi chit fund case. Earlier, the CID had filed cases against those involved in the chit fund case.
Eenadu has also accused the state government of promoting the sales of Sakshi newspaper owned by the family of Chief Minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy by releasing a government order (GO) last December.
The Crime Investigation Department (CID) of Andhra Pradesh on Wednesday conducted search operations at seven branches of the Margadarsi Chit Funds Private Limited (MCFPL) across the State.