This episode explores ways to align global climate finance systems more effectively with the real-life situations of people in communities and at the local level, to ensure successful locally led adaptation to climate change.
News, 9 June 2021
This episode explores ways to align global climate finance systems more effectively with the real-life situations of people in communities and at the local level, to ensure successful locally led adaptation to climate change.
IIED’s podcast mini-series ‘Locally led adaptation – a time for action’ comes to an end with the launch of the third and final episode: ‘Taking locally led adaptation global’.
The conversation in this episode is hosted by IIED researcher Marek Soanes and sheds light on what is needed for the global system to better support climate action on the ground, and locally led adaptation.
From principles to practice: commitments from donor organisations full transcript
Aditya Bahadur [00:00:00]: My name is Aditya Bahadur and I’m a principal researcher at the International Institute for Environment and Development.
In this podcast we’re going to hear from representatives of three organisations that fund and finance adaptation initiatives around the world, and explore the reasons for why they signed up to eight principles for locally led adaptation and how they intend to operationalise them. We are also going to hear from someone representing an organisation that works with women’s groups and local communities on the ground, on whether these commitments from adaptation donors are likely to deliver a positive impact to the lives of poor communities.