SHANGHAI, May 21 (Xinhua) The 2023 Archery World Cup concluded at the Huangpu riverside here on Sunday as South Koreans won four of five golds in the recurve
Gwangju in South Korea is set to host the second stage of the Archery
World Cup, with action beginning tomorrow and concluding on May 22 in
what is due to be the first time that the international tour has
visited South Korea since 2007.
Gwangju in South Korea is set to host the second stage of the Archery
World Cup, with action beginning tomorrow and concluding on May 22 in
what is due to be the first time that the international tour has
visited South Korea since 2007.
Melhor atleta do Brasil no tiro com arco, Marcus D Almeida iniciou muito bem a disputa do Mundial em Yankton, nos Estados Unidos, ao fechar o primeiro dia de competição com a segunda melhor marca, sete