By Car Lake Wales, Florida - The Lake Wales community has been in turmoil for half a year after some controversial handling of the Lake Wales Charter School Superintendent search and the rescinding of a resignation by current Lake Wales Charter School Principal Donna Dunson. A rescinding that was not…
Lake Wales, FL - Lake Wales Care Center is devastated that a trusted employee, Marcus Kirby, appears to have misappropriated a considerable sum of funds for personal gain. Mr. Kirby accomplished this through intentional inappropriate handling of client funds. We want to emphasize that no donor or grant funds have…
Affidavit released from Lake Wales Police Department on the arrest of Marcus Kirby of Lake Wales: On 04/05/2022, I made contact with Robert Quam, who is the registered agent of the Lake Wales Care Center INC. Lake Wales Care Center is a registered not for profit corporation within the city…