Nasdaq Copenhagen has today given the below observation status: ISIN Name DK0061114246 SCAPE TECHNOLOGIES The company is is given observation status because the company has published
Nasdaq Copenhagen has today given the below observation status: ISIN Name DK0060070589 ENALYZER The company is given observation status because the company has announced that
Nasdaq Copenhagen has today given the below observation status: ISIN Name DK0061540770 DONKEYREPUBLIC HOLDING The company has been given observations status because the annual
Nasdaq Copenhagen has today given the below observation status: ISIN Name DK0010247956 BRØNDBY IF The company is is given observation status because the company has received
Nasdaq Copenhagen has reprimanded and fined SAS AB for sharing inside
information with a group of journalists before the information was disclosed to
the market in accordance with the requirements.