100 years Ago: 1923 While the road crew in Greene were at work Saturday a large moose crossed the road a short distance in front of them. It was reported that a bear had been reported two or three times in the past week. 50 Years Ago: 1973 Webster and Central Y Teen officers met […]
The city of Lewiston has been accepted as part of the AARP Age-Friendly Network of States and Communities. This distinction will allow Lewiston better access to resources through AARP Maine and the Center for Aging, engage and mobilize communities, share expertise, and deliver technical assistance, and Lewiston will have access to resources through AARP Maine […]
100 Years Ago: 1923 A Bath man dug through four feet of snow Sunday and found parsnips which he left in the ground last fall. He says that the ground was so soft and free from frost that he pulled the parsnips up by hand. 50 Years Ago: 1973 (from a Journal photo) Representatives of […]
What a loss in the renaming of the Franco Center. How sad that some members of the board were persuaded that a name change was needed to “broaden appeal.” This name change shows little regard for the history and intent of its founding. The center was established to celebrate and highlight an important part of […]
Read more about Dec. 2, 1997, in the SunJournal.com archives. 100 Years Ago: 1922 A Webb’s Mills correspondent writes that Mrs. Arthur Tripp was surprised while preparing a chicken for Thanksgiving to find two hearts in it. 50 Years Ago: 1972 Miss Marcia Baxter, youth director of the Lewiston-Auburn Young Women’s Christian Association will conduct […]