do this, i can t do that, you re all worth willess to me right n. i need people to stand up and be heroic because democracy is at stake. wow, jeff daniels there. after the break, president trump making it clear he has no patience for political correctness, not even when it comes to your money. correctness, not even when it comes to your money. what? what?? what?! (laughing) what?? what?! what?! [crash] what?! haha, it happens. and if you ve got cut-rate car insurance, paying for this could feel like getting robbed twice. so get allstate. and be better protected from mayhem. like me. straight from the world s best plant scientists comes miracle-gro performance organics. it s miracle-gro s next big thing. organic plant food and soil that finally work. and work.
harriet tubman was better suited for the $2 bill and said this was just political correctness. this may seem like a small story for people but it speaks volumes about this president showing us who he was before charlottesville, before taking office, before all the things he said since. he has always been clear and transparent on views when it comes to things like this. this is just another example. let me read that. in april, 2016, trump called it pure political correctness, suggested that tubman could be added to a far less common denomination. andrew jackson has a great history. i think it is very rough when you take somebody off the bill, truck said. it is just another paragraph in this narrative of how he views race. and women. and women. you can t look at it any other way. when you talk to people about this, i covered when the obama administration went through the process, it was initially the $10 bill, now the $20 bill.
annie donaldson s notes could be the nixon s tapes of the mueller report. this does seem to hinge around some vehicle, tactic to bring this into people s living rooms. and the person who seems to get that is donald trump. donald trump s exertion of privilege i doubt he s read the whole report. it seems to have as much to do with keeping that television hearing drama from coming to pass as anything. donald trump knows television, the power of images. he was in show business for a number of years, prior to that, real estate developer new the use of a stunt to get press attention, he knows the power of that. your point is exactly right. i was in vietnam with him this february, and michael cohen s appearance for congress upstaged a summit with kim jong-un. that was what people cared about. it was so different than reading the words or reading the testimony. it was cohen taking the oath, sitting in front of congress and delivering, in his own words
what the president asked him to do. cohen, of course, has quite a bit of credibility issues and in prison. but a robert mueller there doesn t have the issues. partisans on the right will paint him as someone leading a witch hunt to get the president. but for most americans he s someone who s given his life to the country, veteran, and the president is on this idea as well according to our reporting, he hasn t spoken in two years. it will be so captivating for americans to hear robert mueller speak and go through this. mueller is such an institutionalist, were he to testify, i don t think people would expect he set a flame thrower to the justice department at all, but to hear him describe what his investigation found will hit home for a lot of americans and donald trump doesn t want that to happen. the subplots are around the flash points in the on
and women s issues, donald trump is in risky territory with a joke about too many women in the workforce, especially considering the 2020 presidential election will likely be shaped and determined by female voters like the army of women galvanized into action by donald trump s presidency for millions marching down the streets the day after he was inaugurated to those recently protesting the abortion bans in several states. trump s clash on women is shining a light on issues for the women voters, from equal pay to maternal mortality rates. the goal is people should be paid equally for equal work. i impose we shift the burden away from the working women instead on the corporation. doctors and nurses don t hear