PARIS Liberty Mutual and Safeco Insurance have awarded Wheelers Insurance a 2023 Make More Happen Award for its volunteerism with Team Hailey Hugs (THH), a nonprofit organization that champions fundraising and awareness, and awards grants to families living with the financial strain of childhood cancer. The award includes an initial donation of $5,000 for […]
PARIS Liberty Mutual and Safeco Insurance have awarded Wheelers Insurance a 2023 Make More Happen Award for its volunteerism with Team Hailey Hugs. The nonprofit organization champions fundraising, awareness and awards grants to families living with the financial strain of childhood cancer. The award includes an initial donation of $5,000 for Team Hailey Hugs. “Helping […]
앤드루 쿠오모 뉴욕주지사가 성추행 폭로로 사퇴했다(사진=AFP)[이데일리 김보겸 기자] 코로나19 대유행이 본격 시작된 지난해 3월 CNN 메인 앵커 동생과 뉴욕주지사 형이 때아닌 엄마 쟁탈전을 벌였다. 동생 크리스 쿠오모(51) 앵커가 선공을 날렸다. “주지사님, 뉴.