The recent movie Great Love Dunhuang, a semi-documentary centered on Honorary President of the Dunhuang Academy Fan Jinshi, has shed light on the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) Taoist abbot Wang Yuanlu, who was the caretaker of the Mogao Caves, a UNESCO World Heritage site in Dunhuang in Northwest China’s Gansu Province.
Wang is remembered as the man who discovered the Library Cave at the site, a repository of over 50,000 items dating back to the 4th to the 11th century.
The art of storytelling has been an essential element of Kashmir's folklore and a great source of inspiration for researchers and explorers.Sir Marc Aurel Stein, the Hungarian born British archaeologist and explorer spent six summers in the .
R C Ganjoo The local Sarpanch informed us that we were first supposed to reach Anderwan village, the starting point to Mohand Marg. I had heard about Mohand Marg from elders, and later on, I read about its significance. Sir Marc Aurel Stein’s name always made me inquisitive to know why he had chosen this location situated at a height of 11000 feet in the woodland of the Himalayas, to translate Kalhan Pandit’s celebrated history Rajatarangini and add to it […]