Note: for a complete list of calendar events from around Garfield County and the Roaring Fork Valley, go to Roaring Fork High School Art Show When: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Friday through Saturday.
“It’s time for the b-b-b-b-b-b-BONUS ROUND!” The trivia emcee hyped the crowd at Wednesday night’s science-themed trivia at Marble Bar in Carbondale. I was there as part of a fearsome foursome of ladies, on the.
Naturally, CORE is serving up lower carbon emissions in the run-up to the Food & Wine Classic. The local nonprofit dedicated to a net-zero energy future will host its first Climate Conscious Kitchen from 5:30.
When you sign up to become an Aspen Public Radio Evergreen member at $15 a month this May, you’ll be entered into a drawing to win a staycation at the luxurious Distillery Inn in Carbondale, valued at $1,125.