conference, become kind of a hallmark of his time in power. usually a wide-ranging marathon kind of press conference that typically is stretched on for hours. though there are questions, but maybe he doesn t want to answer questions on his setbacks faced. cnn s reporters are joining us live from london. max, this is what putin does end of almost every year, and i guess the question is, have they said why he s not going to be holding this press conference? or if they are going to reschedule it potentially? no. also a public phone-in that happens once a year that s been canceled as well. it s the one chance that outside media, non-russian media, really get a chance to ask him questions. so it has been noted. the kremlin isn t saying much about it. british intelligence, strangely, has got involved in this and they are suggesting they are concerned that the kremlin could be hijacked by unsanctioned
the talent these individuals have. shawn, david, thank you very much. kate? thanks, chris. also new this morning. fiery words from russian president vladimir putin. he declared kiev is to blame for troubles in ukraine on his russian television show. a marathon kind of press conference that he had. he also said russia did not plan to annex crimea from ukraine. this all comes as foreign minister for ukraine and russia meet in geneva to try and establish a diplomatic framework to calm the tensions there. joining us to discuss, christiane amanpour, host of cnn s international amanpour and you can see amanpour at 2:00 p.m. on cni.