This is just the latest time the mother of three incorporated blue into her ensembles. Kelly wore her versatile blue Gianvitto Rossi stiletto pumps on the show several times in the past couple of weeks. Last week, for example, she pointed them out as she lounged on a red lip-shaped couch, kicked up her heels in the stiletto pumps, and explained her entire look. The dress is Cefinn and the shoes are Gianvito Rossi, no surprise, she continued, before revealing a couple of beauty blunders we can all identify with. And don’t look, I need to shave, and I need to put on my Tan Luxe. I need a lot,” she quipped. “My nails are by Nails by Asami. I’ve already picked my cuticles, which I promised her I wouldn’t. I’m a chronic cuticle picker.