The two-laning project between Aurad and Bidar, sanctioned at Rs 424.16 crore, is progressing steadily. This initiative spans 45.878 km, with 43.99 km completed so far. The six-lane greenfield highway from Badadal to Maradgi S Andola, costing Rs 2,355.56 crore, is currently underway. With a length of 71 km, this project is estimated to conclude by June 27, 2025, said an official.
Dilip Buildcon share price: The company, in an exchange filing, has said it received a letter of acceptance (LOA) for the construction of 4-lane Urga-Pathalgaon section NH-130A in Chhattisgarh, worth Rs 1,955 crore, from the NHAI. It has got a project for 4-laning of Karimnagar Warangal Section of NH-563 in Telangana, worth Rs 1,647 crore.