Dies when not enough democrats are actively involved in it foozie im guessing a. Modern german democracy is vibrant here indecl dorf teenagers have come together at a poetry slam to debate democracy. Whats important to them what bothers them what does freedom mean to them. To mean freedom means getting involved in voicing your criticism. You must must soon going in came up under the time that im to question if thats the way it you must know english to my him on loud. And then listen then doesnt. Follow placed lies but i. Feed. Us the same summary of what matters most in contemporary germany. Thanks for most of those speaking today its their 1st time on stage but they enjoy it here anyone can state their views and then must defend them finally a fun way to talk politics is to me all night hell sit here because i can live here in germany and freedom. Democracy is starting to shake does mom drones on his job coal mine off and on style of a steel cutting nish to. Germany 1st enjoy democrac