MANULIFE China Bank Life Assurance Corp. (MCBL), the bancassurance partnership between Manulife and China Bank, recently launched AssureMax, a life insurance plan that combined protection benefits with guaranteed returns that Filipinos could use to fund their children s education, support their businesses or passions, provide themselves a comfortable retirement, and address future needs and financial goals.
MANULIFE Philippines and Manulife China Bank Life Assurance Corp. (MCBL) won Golden Arrow Awards from the Institute of Corporate Directors for their exemplary performance in corporate governance, based on the 2022 Asean Corporate Governance Scorecard (ACGS) and Corporate Governance Scorecard (CGS) Assessment Results.
MANULIFE China Bank Life Assurance Corp. (MCBL), the bancassurance partnership between Manulife Financial Corp. and China Banking Corp., announced it is selling a term insurance plan that offers life protection or accident and medical reimbursement, for as low as P1 a day or P 500 a year. Exclusive to CBS…
PAY a policy premium, receive points. This is how the Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. (Phils.) Inc. packaged its new product its CEO said “provides customers with multiple rewards and bonuses to help them achieve their life goals and enrich their future.” Manulife Philippines President and CEO Richard Bates further explained…