The White House
White House Releases Initial Report Detailing Existing Resources for Energy Communities
Department of Energy Announces $109.5 Million to Support Energy Jobs, Executive Director to Spearhead Interagency Efforts
Today, theWhite House Interagency Working Group on Coal and Power Plant Communities and Economic Revitalization released a report that was delivered to President Biden and included the initial recommendations from the Interagency Working Group to catalyze economic revitalization, create good-paying, union jobs, and support workers in energy communities – hard-hit coal, oil and gas, and power plant communities – across the country.
The Interagency Working Group identified nearly $38 billion in existing federal funding that could be accessed by energy communities for infrastructure, environmental remediation, union job creation, and community revitalization efforts. This funding includes the over $260 million in existing resources already mobilized by the
White House Releases Initial Report Detailing Existing Resources for Energy Communities
Department of Energy Announces $109.5 Million to Support Energy Jobs, Executive Director to Spearhead Interagency Efforts
Today, theWhite House Interagency Working Group on Coal and Power Plant Communities and Economic Revitalization released a report that was delivered to President Biden and included the initial recommendations from the Interagency Working Group to catalyze economic revitalization, create good-paying, union jobs, and support workers in energy communities – hard-hit coal, oil and gas, and power plant communities – across the country.
The Interagency Working Group identified nearly $38 billion in existing federal funding that could be accessed by energy communities for infrastructure, environmental remediation, union job creation, and community revitalization efforts. This funding includes the over $260 million in existing resources already mobilized by the Department of t
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On March 31, 2021, President Biden introduced the American Jobs Plan of 2021, a sweeping proposal intended to modernize domestic infrastructure, boost job creation and bolster U.S. competitiveness. The ambitious Plan calls for a $2 trillion investment over an eight-year period aimed to rebuild the nation’s aging infrastructure (including roads, bridges and waterways), bolster infrastructure and supply chain resiliency, improve access to caregivers, and position the U.S. as leaders in research and development. We believe that the Biden administration’s infrastructure goals and initiative present significant business opportunities for a wide range of contractors in various industries. Given the holistic nature of the “Build Back Better” effort specifically, the interplay and overlap with the administration’s climate change and sustainability, cybersecurity and supply chain proposals companies are wise to think
Biden releases breakdown of what needs fixing in his $2trillion infrastructure plan that Republicans have called a dog s breakfast of slush funds for Democrat pet projects
Republicans slammed President Joe Biden s $2.7 trillion infrastructure plan as a dog s breakfast of slush funds for Democrats
Biden meeting with four GOP lawmakers - along with four Democratic ones - at White House on Monday to discuss his plan
White House released a state-by-state break down to show how the plan s benefit across the country ahead of meeting
Senate GOP Conference said plan will crush jobs in a memo before the meeting
Biden tells Republicans and Democrats he IS prepared to negotiate terms of his $2T infrastructure plan and denies claims his bipartisan White House meeting is window dressing
President Joe Biden said he s prepared to negotiate with Republicans on his $2.7 trillion infrastructure package during Oval Office meeting I m prepared to negotiate, he said
Biden met with four GOP lawmakers - along with four Democratic ones
He denied meeting was window dressing
Plan includes funds for more than 20,000 miles of damaged roads across the US
States like Iowa also have thousands of bridges that are in need of repair
Mississippi needs $4.8billion for drinking water and $289million for schools