If you're looking for ways to stretch your budget and save more money while shopping, coupon stacking might be the perfect solution. Savvy shoppers use this strategy to maximize their savings and get.
coupons. you can find them on your mobile phone or on the internet and print them out. you can also find them on your local grocery website. and load them up on your loyalty reward card. now you don t need to clip your coupons. jamie: what i love is couponsherpa.com is the first one. you mention the cell phone. i think is brilliant. cellfire.com. it haven t visited it yet but you say you can put them right on your phone? right. it s an app that allows you to pull up coupons on your phone so when you are shopping you can load up the app cellfire. couponsherpa has a mobile coupon app now. they are releasing a grocery section this week as well. where you will be able to pull up the manufacturer coupons right on your phone. if you can pair those with the store coupons, or the store sales prices, you are now all of a sudden driving that price down deeper at a better discount. jamie: double coupon day is a good day to go. stack your coupons.