but regan believed he kds help him and named him as his running mate. he spent a lotf of time on the road. he was regan s heir apparent in 1998. i want a kindaler and gentler nation. reporter: he also made campaign promise that would with come back to haunt him. read my lips no new taxes. reporter: his selection of a running mate surprised many. my choice for the vice presidency is senator dan quail. reporter: but voters supported the ticket as the nation s 43rd president his focus returned to national affairs. resided over the end of the cold war. he ordered u.s. troops to latin america to capture manual
senator dan quail. reporter: but they supported the ticket. presided over the collapse of former soviet union and ended the cold war. sent troops to get manual noreaga. reporter: he would order u.s. troops, allied with with dozens of countries to free kuwait. the first gulf war didn t last long. in less than six weeks they were booted and saddam hussein remained in power and held a grunl. years late arcar bomb if i have to have it with with the secret service i ve got