No new possible public exposures or outbreaks have been announced in the Northern Health Region (NHR), but new cases have been concentrated in four districts - the Island Lake district (where five new cases were reported Friday), Grand Rapids/Misipawistik/Moose Lake/Mosakahiken/Easterville/Chemawawin (eight new cases), The Pas/OCN/Kelsey (four new cases) and the Flin Flon district. Over the past five days, no other northern district has reported more new COVID-19 cases than The Pas/OCN/Kelsey - the district has seen 20 new cases from May 31-June 4. The Grand Rapids district has reported 14 new cases over that timeframe, while the Flin Flon district has reported 10 new cases over that time.
One new case was reported in the Flin Flon/Snow Lake/Cranberry Portage/Sherridon district, along with two recoveries from the disease. The main locale of recent northern cases has been The Pas/OCN/Kelsey, where 50 people - including six new people in the last day - have active cases of COVID-19. The remote Island Lake district has the most active cases of COVID-19 of any northern district at 69, but numbers there are declining. Case numbers in remote districts like Island Lake can also be inflated and outdated, due to delays in cases in the districts being marked by provincial officials as active and recovered .
The Flin Flon/Snow Lake/Cranberry Portage/Sherridon health district is at 31 active cases of COVID-19, according to publicly available provincial government data. As of May 28, 261 people in northern Manitoba have active COVID-19 cases and 7,273 NHR residents have tested positive since the pandemic started. Manitoba is continuing to ship residents who are sick with COVID-19 or who require intensive care to Ontario for treatment as the province s health system nears capacity - there are 69 people with COVID-19 in Manitoba ICUs and another 26 Manitobans in out-of-province ICUs. A total of 312 people are in Manitoba hospitals due to COVID-19. No new outbreaks or public exposures have been reported in the NHR. For district-by-district case totals throughout the NHR, see below.