The Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and promotion of human rights in Iran. CHRI investigates and documents rights violations occurring throughout Iran, relying on first-hand accounts to expose abuses that would otherwise go unreported. We bring these violations to the attention of the international community through news articles, briefings, in-depth reports, podcasts, and videos, and work to build support for human rights inside Iran as well. CHRI engages in intensive outreach and international advocacy aimed at defending the fundamental rights and freedoms of the Iranian people and holding the Iranian government accountable to its human rights obligations.
2022 MAY 24 By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at NewsRx Policy and Law Daily New study results on finance have been published. Our news correspondents obtained a quote from the research from Shahid Beheshti University:“ Credit default swap as a derivative is one of the most effective risk management tools, because in addition to risk management, it provides.