they re about to change the justifiable use of deadly force instructions on us again. they also just changed the manslaughter instruction in the middle of this trial. so any one of those things could cause a retrial on the four counts on which we got a guilty verdict. we would always try a second case, or an additional count to make sure that if something happens on these other charges, we have that in place as well. so it s an excellent use of state resources to make sure that someone does not get out. yes, sir? will the retrial happen here in this county? yes. we intend to fully push for a trial right here in jacksonville, duvall county, florida. yes? there s been some question, some people criticized that you didn t spend enough time describing what kind of person jordan davis was, and let the defense say things like, saying there was not enough reason for him to be fearful.
you didn t have to justify your vote to anybody. you know, ben, one of the interesting things, and i don t understand it, you know, coming from the defense side, and i think jose would back me up on, this there are certain cases you know in jury selection you re not going to be able to win the case. you know because of the dynamics and everything else, and you try that case to get a hung jury. i think when the prosecution had the two white jurors placed back into that jury box and they saw the composition of this case, if they really wanted to win it, they should have tried this case to hang it so they would have had another chance at a retrial. it s yet another, i think, black mark, if you will, on the prosecution in this case. i just can t say enough horrible things about the prosecution. let s jose weigh in on this, as well. go ahead. i any what we re getting is a window to what actually happened in the deliberation room. the jury asked for a clarification on the manslaughter
the response that went back to the jury was vague. it was basically like, we can t guide you, but if you have any specific questions let us know. and now we re hearing from the specific juror that she did not understand that specific instruction. in fact, her own statements were, she s saying it had to be intentional. that s incorrect. it s 100% incorrect. the manslaughter instruction says an intentional act that procured the death of another individual. so the fact that he intentionally shot the gun, that is the act that caused the death of trayvon martin. so, again, this falls back on the prosecution for not clearly showing and taking the elements of the crime and arguing what facts pertained to which element. jeffrey, you know that this woman that spoke to abc news, this juror, she is fully aware if she had held firmly, there would have been a hung jury and the prosecution presumably would
not going to be able to win the case. you know because of the dynamics and everything else, and you try that case to get a hung jury. i think when the prosecution had the two white jurors placed back into that jury box and they saw what the composition was of this case, if they really wanted to win it, they should have tried this case to hang it so they would have had another chance at a retrail. it s yet another, i think, black mark, if you will on the prosecution in this case. i can t say enough horrible things about the prosecution. let s let jose weigh in on this, as well. go ahead, jose. i think we re getting a window to what happened in the jury deliberation room. the jury asked for clarification on the manslaughter instruction at the 11th hour. we have a good idea who was the juror specifically asking for this, and what s even worse was the response that went back to the jury was vague. it was basically like we can t
guide you, but if you have any specific questions, let us know. and now we re hearing from the specific juror that she did not understand that specific instruction. in fact, her own statements were she saying it had to be intentional. that s incorrect. it 100% completely incorrect. the manslaughter instruction says an intentional act that procured the death of another individual. so the fact that he intentionally shot the gun, that is the act that caused the death of trayvon martin. so, you know, again, this falls back on the prosecution for not clearly showing and taking the elements of the crime and arguing what facts pertain to which element. and jeffrey, you know that this woman spoke to abc news, this juror, she makes it clear she was fully aware if she held firmly for a guilty verdict on manslaughter or second-degree murder, there would have been a hung jury and the prosecution presumably would have had a start from scratch. that s what he says but i