WHS Charmers finish the season with mega-awards
By Patty Hullett
For the Daily Light
The award-winning Cherokee Charmers brought home numerous prestigious titles at their final competition of the season, the ADTS Nationals (American Dance/ Drill Team) event held at Mansfield Timberview High School in Arlington on Saturday, March 27.
Director of the group, Mrs. Erica Pointer-Wilcox says, “I am immensely proud of the hard
work that the 58th Charmer Line has put in this year. They never allowed any of the obstacles thrown their way to get them down. They started the year with the end in mind, and remained positive throughout this year of ever-changing circumstances. Proud is really an understatement for this team. They stepped up to the challenge, and poured their heart and soul into being successful in this competition season.