And now, as Star Bharat gears up for another show soon, we have an exclusive update about the same. The show will be bankrolled by producer Atul Ketkar and Manoj D Pelliwar. |
Atul Ketkar and Manoj D. Pillewar are all set to bring a new show which is yet to be titled. The show will star Iqbal Khan in the lead role. |
And now, as Star Bharat gears up for another show soon, we have an exclusive update about the same. The show will be bankrolled by producer Atul Ketkar and Manoj D Pelliwar. |
And now, as Star Bharat gears up for another show soon, we have an exclusive update about the same. The show will be bankrolled by producer Atul Ketkar and Manoj D Pelliwar. |