Washington, D.C., Attorney General Karl Racine takes issue with Amazon s policies for third-party sellers that prevent them from selling products for lower prices elsewhere.
Minneapolis Police say the individual s wound is believed to be non-life threatening. Witnesses told police a suspect vehicle left the area at a high rate of speed.
For years, the Navy has objected to offshore wind farms on the California coast. The Biden administration announced a deal for new projects, crucial to achieving its climate change policy.
The U.S. is the only industrialized nation where the rate of pregnancy-related deaths is rising. Experts say one way to save lives is making sure new mothers don t lose their health insurance.
U.S. Space Command says the exact entry point into the Earth s atmosphere cannot be pinpointed until hours before its reentry, which is expected sometime around May 8.
The indictment on Thursday also included charges against Verdejo s accomplice, who officials say was promised some payment to help drug, kill, and dispose of Keishla Marlen Rodríguez Ortiz.
It s not just tech companies embracing work-from-home for the post-pandemic era. But manufacturers like Ford also have to consider the huge swathes of their workforce that simply can t work remotely.
There is a 30-year gap in the life expectancy of some Black and white Chicagoans. Journalist Linda Villarosa talks about the link between racism and health outcomes, and tells her own family s story.