Lady Superstar Nayanthara has reacted to the controversy over her recent OTT project Annapoorani: The Goddess of Food which faced a severe backlash over its content. An FIR was filed against the makers of Annapoorani for “hurting religious sentiments” and Vishwa Hindu Parishad had also warned the online streaming platform Netflix, following which the film was pulled off the
Any fan will become emotional after reading Nayanthara's note. Most exquisitely, the actress has shown her love for her admirers. Nayanthara wishes to inform her followers that they are the reason she is still standing after 20 years, as she marks completing 20 years. |
Nayanthara took to Instagram to thank her fans for their continuous support throughout her incredible 20-year journey in cinema. Her heartfelt post is a celebration of their dedication.