Today being Sunday, a day of rest at least in the Christian church, it’s fitting that I share with you a story about a pilot who, after 29 years of flying tens of thousands of passengers, is putting down his wings.
Mann Ed Demalata
The airline pilot job made it to the Top 10 Best Jobs in a global list. According to Oxford Royale, the prestige of the job is unrivaled given the travel opportunities and the best office view there is.
Mann Ed Demalata, one of the youngest airline captains in the Philippines
Mann Ed Demalata
Mann Ed Demalata is proof that privilege is maximized when you put in the work. Blessed with parents who gave him access to quality education, Mann Ed aimed high and took off to fly, literally and figuratively. Before finding his place in the aviation industry, he explored his lu
Data has it that one is more likely to die in a car accident than a plane crash. But for some people, the fear is still so real. Anxiety just creeps in for some first-time flyers before boarding the plane. Take that flight with more courage with these 10 tips from commercial plane pilot Mann Ed Dema