MANKATO — The Greater Mankato Growth, Inc. Board of Directors unanimously supports the 2023 Mankato Area Public Schools bond referendum, they announced in a news release Tuesday.
Mankato one of 144 cities that could lose metro area status
Mankato one of 144 cities that could lose metro area status By Bernadette Heier | March 8, 2021 at 6:39 PM CST - Updated March 8 at 6:42 PM
MANKATO, Minn. (KEYC) - Mankato is one of the 144 U.S. cities the federal government proposes to downgrade from a metropolitan to a micropolitan status.
This raises concerns among city officials on the impact the switch would have on federal funding and economic development.
“It would eliminate our MSA (metropolitan statistical area) from critical databases that are used by site selectors who are working on behalf of companies for expansion locations.,” Greater Mankato Growth President and CEO Jessica Beyer said. “It would also impact how our region’s economic alliance is able to market our region and how we can directly provide critical business information to prospects. So really this could result in our region not being considered for millions of dollars for investm