Manjummel Boys recently made waves in the Telugu market by breaking the record for the highest number of tickets sold on the opening day for a Telugu-dubbed version of a Malayalam film.
The Family Star earned an estimated Rs 11.94 Crore at the box office in India by the end of its three-day run at the theatres. After the opening weekend, which was underwhelming neough, the movies footfalls and eventually the collection dropped further owing to the lukewarm reviews. Meanwhile, Tillu Square and Manjummel Boys Telugu version have taken over. Check out the collection details
Manjummel Boys movies premise, gripping narrative, the directors conviction, and beautiful and striking visuals have made it a satiating watch on the big screen, making it instantly popular. The movie is receiving love and appreciation from Tollywood as well. On its opening day, the movie Manjummel Boys Telugu version is expected to make over Rs 1 Crore.