Manjinder Singh Sirsa, who recently switched to Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) from Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD), on Friday withdrew his resignation from the post of the president of Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee citing technical and legal issues.
Expressing shock over the rising crimes against Hindus in Pakistan, BJP leader Manjinder Singh Sirsa shared a video on social media and said that a Hindu woman
Expressing shock over the rising crimes against Hindus in Pakistan, BJP leader Manjinder Singh Sirsa shared a video on social media and said that a Hindu woman was abducted in daylight outside the session court in Pakistan as abductors are not afraid of police or any action in the neighbouring country.
Expressing shock over the rising crimes against Hindus in Pakistan, BJP leader Manjinder Singh Sirsa shared a video on social media and said that a Hindu woman
Expressing shock over the rising crimes against Hindus in Pakistan, BJP leader Manjinder Singh Sirsa shared a video on social media and said that a Hindu woman