The school organised its investiture ceremony on the premises. Bhupinder Singh Negi, HPS Additional Superintendent of Police, Cybercrime, was the chief guest. Navchetana Society Chairperson HK Anand, Principal Manish Anand, Councillor Asha Anand and students of classes VI to XII took part in the eve
Manish Anand, the COO of FIITJEE, mentioned that both Malay & Prakriti are Classroom Program students of FIITJEE, Ghaziabad & Dwarka centres respectively and taking an undue credit of their success by some other institute is unethical and is a serious poaching malpractice which many institute are resorting to since many years.
The Haryana CM remains unfazed despite Opposition unity bids. In an interview, he tells Manish Anand that such attempts don’t work
Haryana also has at least three big political players in the state. How do you look at the prospect of the Opposition unity and what impact will there be in
Roorkee : On April 24th, IIT Roorkee, with its aim of enhancing the Industry-Academia interaction hosted the prize distribution ceremony of the Uttarakhand Udyog Mahotsav 2023 (UKUM) in collaboration with Bhagwanpur Industries Association (BIA)