Bilal M was crestfallen when he returned to his home in Koottickal, a town in Kottayam district, central Kerala, on Friday. A fruit seller, the 57-year-old had spent an agonising seven days at a relief camp after he abandoned his home when the Manimala river swelled due to torrential rains. “This house was built from the savings I made after meeting the requirements of my
In Uttarakhand, 46 people were reported dead and another 11 missing today, including a family of five whose house was buried in a colossal stream of mud and rocks.
The India Meteorological Department or IMD, which had put out an orange alert (heavy to very heavy rain) for 11 districts of Kerala withdrew it and changed it to yellow predicting 'moderate rain' in these areas during the day.
As many as 18 people were killed and dozens of others went missing on Saturday as heavy rain lashed south and central Kerala causing flash floods and landslides in many parts of the southern state, officials said. "The situation is really serious.