The strongest typhoon to hit the Philippines this year left at least six people dead, authorities said Monday, after heavy rain and fierce winds battered the country’s most populous island
Being near the track of Typhoon "Karding" (international name: Noru), Manila's dolomite beach was once again talked about online after heaps of trash were
All storm signals have been lifted after severe tropical storm Florita exited the country Wednesday morning, signaling the start of the government’s assistance effort worth over P1.1 billion for the victims of the heavy rains, landslides and floods.
Six officials of the Bureau of Customs (BOC) we
For Malacañang, the investigation into the allegedly unauthorized importation of 300,000 metric tons of sugar should not stop with the resignation of the Department of Agriculture (DA) official reportedly responsible for the aborted importation.
And the House Committee on Public Accountancy and G
Controversy hounded the dolomite beach in Manila from the get-go. The narrow, rocky shore that the beach replaced had served as informal accommodations and sleeping area of street people.