grievances earnestly felt and manifests them through violence. and in our system, there s a right way and a wrong way, to express when you re angry or upset about something. nancy! nancy! reporter: something we saw on jaff when the rioters tried to hunt down speaker pelosi and trashed her office. sources tell cnn that the man was not known to capitol police and was not in any federal databases that track threats. whitney wild, cnn, washington. senate republican leader mitch mcconnell tweeted his outrage over the attack saying he was, quote you horrified and disgusted and that pelosi would make a full recovery. and mike pence who was the result of violence, denounced against members and their families. and here she is. this was an act of extreme violence, and i think we re looking at it at a time in our
you say it s not some wonky concern, futuristic scenario. what percentage of the worlds container ships are we talking about here and why do our viewers need to understand why this matters? right now, right now this logging is a huge threat right now. through their partnerships, they can see up to 90% of container ships around the world. the manifests, who they bought from, who they are selling to. they can see whether they are going to supply military bases. the ccp big brother going global. it s a very big concern and it s free, one-stop logistics shopping, subsidized by the ccp. subsidized in part because jamie dimon and larry think helped prop up china s economy. laura: we ve been talking
traditional journalism implies you meeting with a source and that source telling you a story. in today s world of fake news, we don t trust sources because we don t trust humans. we trust data. berlincat is an organization of digital nerds. most of us have hike an autistic fascination with numbers. every time you use your email, make a doctor s appointment, take a train or plane, every time you take the atm or look at the screen of your phone that leaves a trace. in a place like russia imagine the person who works at the travel agency that has access to the five manifests, getting $25 a day as a salary and then for another 25 they would be able to sell that flight manifest to anybody who asks for it. just because they will double their income for the day.
directly about this. and this was his response, and we ll move on from that. the president also said in that press conference afterwards that within a couple weeks, he thought there would be an impact on gas prices and fuel availability. talk about how that manifests itself in a meeting like this. well, you know, obviously, the saudis have to get something out of this too, and the saudis got the acknowledgement of biden that they re no longer pariahs and what we will get out of it, i hope, is increased oil production from saudi arabia and opec nations and, you know, prices going down at the pump. you know, from a very hard-headed political standpoint, president biden stands to lose more votes from high prices at the gas pump than from violating a campaign promise that he wasn t going to meet with mohammed bin salman. so, you know, that s just pretty hard-headed and i think people can understand that. rick stengel, we understand