branches. should supreme court justices be held to the same standard as any and all other public servants? the senate judiciary committee held a hearing on the ethical standards or lack thereof for supreme court justices a topic that has come up in light of new reporting on repeated failures by justices to disclose details of lavish vacations, travel, gifts, even real estate transactions, testifying on behalf of democrats, a former federal judge and group of legal experts, guests invited by republicans included a former attorney general. more notable than who testified was who did not. chief justice john roberts declined an invitation from the committee, something dick durbin brought up at the start of today s hearing. in his letter last week the chief justice sent a statement of ethics principles and practices. it was a document that was attacheded to his letter. it is an extraordinary document. not in a good way. it makes clear while the justices are fine with consulting
investigations, oh, a possible indictment and he s still re-litigating 2020. but, guess what? trump still has almost a 30-point lead in the rcp average over ron desantis and he leads biden in the head to head as well. but, of course, this doesn t speak to the battle ground states. that didn t fall trump s way last go round, as you remember. in two of those states according to a new public opinion s strategy poll, desantis not trump narrowly leads biden. of course desantis hasn t jumped into the race yet he hinted he will announce after his state legislature wraps its session in may. now this has worried some about this late timing desantis s which they claim may leave him ill-prepared against the former president s luggageening attacks and lagging in the on the ground organizing critical in states with an early nominating contest. well, for his part, trump continues what, to many, seem like petty attacks on desantis and the latest polls about, well, the latest about his so-ca
blockbursts reporting that solves the mystery of the missing link in a story that has rocked american politics and media. for weeks now, a question has loomed over the ouster of top fox host tucker carlson. why did the murdochs fire one of their biggest stars? the architect of a platform that unself-consciously peddles conspiracy theories. why did they fire him based on something that didn t happen on air? what was that missing link? and what if anything did tucker carlson do or say off camera that contributed to the nearly unprecedented 11th hour settlement of $787.5 million in the defamation case brought against fox by dominion voting systems. the new york times answers both those questions and reports on the missing text message that it found in some groundbreaking new reporting. the message was reportedly unearthed during the discovery process with dominion. here s how the times reports that out. quote, in the message sent to one of his producers in the hours after vi
the first working day in serbia after a two day labour day holiday so the kids had a short spring break and basically today at 8am they were back into the classroom. everything seemed like a very normal start of a school day until at around 840 local time, close to the end of the first class, the student with the initials, k k, that is how police have identified him, entered the school with a gun and started a shooting spree in the primary school. . ~ , ., shooting spree in the primary school. ., ~ , ., ., shooting spree in the primary school. . ~ , ., ., . shooting spree in the primary school. ., ., ., ., ., school. thank you for all of that information. this story very much breaking and information coming in as we speak. what is the latest you are hearing about this? the what is the latest you are hearing about this? what is the latest you are hearing about this? . , ., , ., about this? the latest we have is a statement from about this? the latest we have is a statem
see, i said so. then at pursuant certain glands begin to work and our bodies begin to change. what s pursuant? well, puberty? puberty is a lot of things. mainly a time of change. for you have, it means your bodies are changing from boys to men. pete: if sex was ever taught in the classroom it was mostly clear cut. still dad still had to sit you down and give you the good old birds and bees talk. that was the point parents had control over their kids. book of proverbs train up a child in the way he should go. even when he is old, he will not depart from it. it s our job. but today that biblical truth has been turned upside down. because parents are being replaced by an agenda. i told all my students that my pronouns are they/them and that my honor risk is mixed. i teach in specifically trans affirming high school. we have gender support plans and gender wardrobe. with my second graders i had to make sure that my lesson was appropriate for that age group. i