When: Manheim Borough Council meeting, May 11.
What happened: Council approved a request from Christina Street for her Cadet troop to collect donations for community organizations from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 22 in Market Square.
Details: Street said the troop, which meets at Salem United Methodist Church, is working on its silver award. They are planning to collect canned goods for the Manheim Central Food Pantry, water and sports drinks for the Manheim Fire Company, pre-packaged snacks for Teen Central, used printer cartridges for the Manheim Community Library, toys for Northwest EMSâ Toys for Tots toy drive and funds for the Manheim Borough Police Department s K-9 unit. She said the scouts have made videos about the mission of each organization. Videos will be posted on the Little Town of Manheim Facebook page prior to the collection date. Street said scouts will be stationed at the gazebo in Market Square to collect donations.