very saddened by this. john mccain was an american hero who did so much for the country but this is unfortunately, a very dark stain. right now paul manafort is sitting in prison. if president trump were to pardon mr. manafort, he would not be out of the woods by any means. earlier this week the manhattan va announced a 16 count announced charges that merited the ones from virginia. president trump not have the authority to get money paul manafort out of the charges if he s found guilty in new york. no word when this will be dropped but when it says it will not just be released to the public online. it is first going to go to the attorney general, william barr. then we will see if it is made public. no question though congress wants it made public. they voted a few days ago remember, 420 -0two .
to say this is hallowed ground is an understatement. we ask people to respect this area. this is sacred to the men and women that serve this community. heather: the and think of elections during police memorial weekend the chief says they will pursue criminal charges against the vandeweghe the statue, or cleaned up, will be featured during the police memorial event sunday morning. the va will announce its short list for its next department director and one of the named is acting secretary robert wilkie. addressing the department for the first time since he was appointed by donald trump last week, he says customer service is key. i m grateful for the opportunity to serve for america s veterans. customer service is the key, customer service must start with each other, not talking at each
he unequivocally supports the trump va reform agenda. one thing that emerged under the previous secretary, david selden, a lot of doubletalk coming out of the va. secretary sheldon saying one thing to one group, and another to another group and secretary wilkie is not doing that. heather: privatization versus not privatizing, where does it stand on that. more healthcare toys for veterans, not privatization as some say, he supports giving veterans more healthcare choice. he supported a bill that donald trump supports which passed out of the house that would give more healthcare choices, a great and before memorial day, he has been making calls to senators and congressmen, making clear this will help our veterans.
heather: are not endorsing anyone. acting secretary wilkie is doing a good job. representative jeff miller, good candidates as well. we are impressed with accuracy. acting secretary robert wilkie. other issues the next leader needs to take into account? the biggest thing is implementing the mission act, we will do so in a way that bureaucrats can t undermine, robert wilkie or whoever the next va secretary use, this is a priority implementing a way that works and the problems we had with veteran choice card which is undermined by the obama administration. we don t want to see that again,
a prominent african american group once her to step down. the chairman thing under no circumstances is this behavior from a public servant acceptable. she must resign from her position. the same group is demanding the officer receive an apology committee him for professionalism and keeping his cool. everyone at home, let us know what you think. thank you very much. new york city s dist. atty. will prosecute the level part cases at the same time bill diblasio announces an overhaul of the nypd enforcement policy. what impact will this have on crime and the community? here to debate it is vincent hill and dr. susan johnson cook. thank you for joining us, appreciate it. let s look at the numbers. the manhattan va s officer there