JAMSHEDPUR: The team from Mango Nagar Nigam had to return empty hands from the eviction drive it had launched. Sources said officials from the civic body as per prior notice had gone to Munsi Mohallah on Dimna Road area to evict shopkeepers who had encroached on government land.
As soon as they reached the spot, a large number of shopkeepers, mainly those who had occupied government land, started protesting. Local BJP functionary Vikas Singh sided with the protesters and put up stiff resistance to the eviction work.
Singh said, “The civic body is acting in a partisan manner as there are several places in other parts of Jamshedpur where main roads have been encroached upon but no action is being taken against the shopkeepers. Only small traders are being targeted. Proper vending zones should be made in the city and then encroachments should be removed.”