you did not give up and move you continued to engage in the sex encounter. what you have done in my opinion was appalling. you went to the press with a story of a bad date and you have potentially destroyed this man s career over it. tucker: now is he a big liberal which may account for. so defense you are hearing. still the ladies at the view even were mad. they were worried this story could cripple the me too movement long term. here it is. so if you are on a date and he is not as good as you thought and you are uncomfortable and you are going does that mane stop, get out, go away. whatever happened to stop or i m going to knock you in your nuts. nonverbal it s very tricky. you are asking a lot. nonverbal is just too vague. i think you have to be verbal. once no is established then that s established. i m concerned about what this does to the me too movement. i m also freaked out about talking about this on television because i think